Sacramental Preparation for First Reconciliation & Eucharist

For students in Grades 1 through 12

About our Program

As Catholics, we don't wait until heaven to encounter Jesus Christ--we meet in Him in a real, life-changing way in the Sacraments today and every day. While parents and guardians are the primary teachers of the Faith to your children, it is our honor to work in partnership with you to help your child receive the gifts of the Sacraments of Reconciliation (Confession) and Eucharist in a way that is full of joy and excitement, beginning a lifelong relationship of love and intimacy with their Creator and Savior. 

Sacramental Preparation (Sac Prep) for 1st Eucharist and Reconciliation is a two-year process, usually beginning in 1st grade. Before receiving 1st Eucharist, students must have been enrolled in Faith Formation classes for 2 consecutive years including the current year.  For information about and to register for regular Faith Formation classes, click HERE.

The second year of Sacramental Preparation requires attendance of parent meetings, parent/student classes, and retreats. Copy of Baptismal Certificate Required (email to dena@sacredhrt.com).




The suggested donation for the 2 year Sacramental Preparation Program for 1st Reconciliation and Eucharist is $50. This fee helps to cover retreat costs including books, snacks, the photographer and crafts. If you cannot afford the $50 please contact Dena at Dena@sacredhrt.com for reduced or waived fee.

Faith Formation 2024-2025 Calendar


1st Year of Sacramental Preparation for 1st Reconciliation & Eucharist (Grades 1-11)

Requirements for first year of Sacramental Preparation (Sac Prep):

    • Register for the 1st Eucharist Sac Prep program HERE .
    • Regular attendance in Faith Formation Classes (email dena@sacredhrt.com)
      • 2 unexcused absences permitted per semester
      • Submit doctor's excuses to Dena at dena@sacredhrt.com.
      • Excess absences will cause extra year's delay in receiving sacraments
    • Email copy of Baptismal Certificate to Dena at dena@sacredhrt.com. If your child was baptized at Sacred Heart, Richmond, TX you do NOT need to email us this. 
    • Attend weekly Sunday Mass (Saturday evening or Sunday)
    • Memorize Prayers: Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be 

Suggestions for first year of Sac Prep:

    • Parents go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Eucharist
    • Parents pray with your children—after meal, before bed, etc.
    • Watch kids’ videos on www.formed.org
    • Read the Bible with your children
    • Read Christian kids’ books with your children

2nd Year of Sacramental Preparation for 1st Reconciliation and Eucharist (Grades 2-5)

2nd Year Sacramental Prep this year for will occur during regular Faith Formation classes on Tuesday or Wednesday nights. Once a month, a parent or parents are required to attend a Sac Prep parents meeting on the same night their child is in Faith Formation Class. There will also be a mandatory Parent/Child Reconciliation Retreat in December and Parent/Child Eucharistic Retreat in April. Our 1st Eucharist Mass is usally on the last Saturday morning of April.  

Requirements for 2nd year of Sacramental Preparation (Sac Prep):

    • Children to regularly attend in-person Faith Formation Classes. For information about and regular Faith Formation classes, click HERE.
      • only 2 absences permitted per semester
      • Submit doctor's excuses to Dena at dena@sacredhrt.com.
      • Excess absences will cause extra year's delay in receiving sacraments
    • If you didn't already, register for the 1st Eucharist Sac Prep program
    • Attend Mandatory Parent/Child Meeting Tuesday or Wedsnesday, September 17/18, during class.
    • At least one parent must attend a Sac Prep parents meeting on the same night their child is in Faith Formation Class. 
    • Email copy of Baptismal Certificate to Dena at dena@sacredhrt.com. If your child was baptized at Sacred Heart, Richmond, TX you do NOT need to email us this. 
    • Attend weekly Sunday Mass (Saturday evening or Sunday)
    • Formal assessments given in December and April (study guides will be given) 
    • Parent/Child Reconciliation Retreat on a Saturday morning in December
    • Parent/Child Eucharistic Retreat on a Saturday morning in April
    • The following schedules will apply to you depending on whether your child is enrolled in Tuesday or Wednesday Faith Formation classes:

TUESDAY/Wednesday Tentative 2nd Year First Reconciliation and Eucharist Mandatory Meeting Schedule 2024-2025

Sunday    9/17-18/24        2nd Year Sac Prep Parent Informational Meeting in the FLC Gym, 12:45-1:45 pm; Child care provided (RSVP to dena@sacredhrt.com)

Saturday  12/7/24    Parent/Child 1st Reconciliation Retreat and Reconciliation, 9:00am-12pm

Tuesday   2/25-26/25      2nd Year Sac Prep Parent Meeting in the FLC Gym, during class

Saturday  4/5/25     Parent/Child 1st Eucharist Retreat and Rehearsal, 9:00am-12pm

Saturday  4/26/25    1st Holy Communion Mass, 11 am (children arrive by 10:30am to CCE Bldg Rm 1) 


2nd Year of Sacramental Preparation for 1st Reconciliation and Eucharist (Grades 6-12)

2nd Year Sacramental Prep for 6-12 grade students will be done by pulling kids from their regular classes once a month for Sac Prep lessons. There will also be a mandatory Parent/Child Reconciliation Retreat in December and Parent/Child Eucharistic Retreat in April. Our 1st Eucharist Mass is usally on the last Saturday morning of April.

Requirements for 2nd year of Sacramental Preparation (Sac Prep):

    • Children attend Faith Formation classes on Wednesday nights
    • Email copy of Baptismal Certificate to Dena at dena@sacredhrt.com. If your child was baptized at Sacred Heart, Richmond, TX you do NOT need to email us this. 
    • Attend weekly Sunday Mass (Saturday evening or Sunday)
    • Formal assessments given in December and April (study guides will be given) 
    • Parent/Child Reconciliation Retreat on a Saturday morning in December
    • Parent/Child Eucharistic Retreat on a Saturday morning in April

Wednesday Tentative 2nd Year First Reconciliation and Eucharist Mandatory Meeting Schedule 2024-2025

Sunday    9/18/24        2nd Year Sac Prep Parent Informational Meeting in the FLC Gym, 12:45-1:45 pm; Child care provided (RSVP to dena@sacredhrt.com)

Saturday  12/7/24    Parent/Child 1st Reconciliation Retreat and Reconciliation, 9:00am-12pm

Tuesday   2/26/25      2nd Year Sac Prep Parent Meeting in the FLC Gym, during class

Saturday  4/5/25     Parent/Child 1st Eucharist Retreat and Rehearsal, 9:00am-12pm

Saturday  4/26/254    1st Holy Communion Mass, 11 am (children arrive by 10:30am to CCE Bldg Rm 1) 



2nd Year of Sacramental Preparation for 1st Reconciliation and Eucharist (Grades 9-12)

Contact Kim Roy at KimR@sacredhrt.com for more information about Sacramental Preparation for 1st Reconciliation and Eucharist for Grades 9-12


For information on First Reconciliation and First Communion please contact:

Dena Flores


281-342-8371 x 344