Home Study
Home Study is an optional way to attend Faith Formation for those that cannot make physical classes, to join Faith Formation, as homestudy or otherwise, please see the information on the Faith Formation page.
REQUIREMENTS: Students in kindergarten through twelfth grade are eligible for home study. The Faith Formation Office will provide lesson outlines with either online resources or grade-level textbooks for you to successfully complete the lessons. Accountability measures are in place for the Home Study Program to ensure a systematic progression and alignment with classroom instruction. Students MUST complete weekly home-study assignments on time in order to receive credit.
Sacramental preparation for First Eucharist, First Reconciliation and Confirmation are NOT available in Home Study; however, their grade-level faith formation IS available in Home Study.
Parents are required to attend the appropriate Sacramental Preparation Parent Meetings, and to register their child for sacramental preparation. During the sacramental preparation process, the student will attend a monthly sacramental preparation class at a designated time in addition to their grade-level home-study program. The program will begin in October with a Parent meeting where books and schedules will be distributed to all families.
For more information about Elementary Home Study please contact: Aaron Lanik at aaron@sacredhrt.com.
For more information about Junior High please contact: Sarah Streams at sarah@sacredhrt.com.
Elementary K-5 Home Study 2024-2025
Junior High Home Study 2024-2025