The Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston has asked Sacred Heart to reestablish the Vocations Ministry to welcome, support, and guide the Vocations culture within the parish. Sacred Heart, per capita, has had more individuals joining ordained life than any other parish in the Diocese. Together with the help of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, the Vocations Ministry seeks to invigorate Vocations and inspire parishioners to take action.
Please help us pray for our seminarians:
Initiatives underway:
- Prayer
- Holy Hour for Vocations during Adoration
- Traveling Chalice
- Vocations Kiosk
- National Vocations Awareness Week
- Priesthood Sunday
- Deacon Sunday
- Support and Pray for Seminarians and Consecrated Life Individuals
- Altar Server Recognition
- Bulletin Announcements
- Pulpit Announcements
Want more information regarding Vocations – Single, Married, Ordained and Consecrated Life - visit the kiosk located in the narthex (front) of the Sacred Heart Church.
Or you can contact:
Office of Vocational Development
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
Tel: +713-652-8239 | +713-759-9151
1700 San Jacinto St., Houston, TX 77002
Email: vocations@archgh.org
We welcome anyone interested in joining our Vocations Ministry. Meeting dates are published in the Bulletin.
Church Office (281) 342-3609
Sacred Heart Vocations Director