Society of Saint Margaret Mary

  Welcome to Sacred Heart's Society of Saint Margaret Mary!

Our purpose is to enhance the spiritual, social and educational lives of the women of Sacred Heart and to provide an avenue by which the women of the parish may unite in friendship.  Simply, what that means is we contribute our services to the parish and have fun doing it.

Our ladies are found at every level of parish life.  We assist at the beginning with preparations for First Communion and Confirmation receptions; in the middle, we serve as hostesses for parish functions, and at the end we provide comfort in the form of funeral dinners.  Our fundraising activities benefit our parish directly with contributions toward miscellaneous parish needs, and indirectly with scholarships to graduating seniors.  At the community level, we have provided Christmas gifts for children at Children's Protective Services, made favors and decorations for residents in local nursing homes for special occasions, and sponsored the Brown Bag Sunday to collect food for Helping Hands. 

All these activities take the joining of many hearts and hands.  We need your help.  In return, we offer fellowship and the opportunity to meet wonderful ladies who share the common goal of unity within Sacred Heart Parish.

We meet the first Monday night of each month in the CCE building next to the church, with socializing at 6:30 pm followed by our meeting at 7:00 pm.  Our dues are $10.00 per year.  We would love to have you join us.

For more information email Danette Fennesy: